
I'm having a problem with a rather small cygwin project.  I installed
the latest net release as of 01/04/2001.

I've written a server application that opens a serial port, opens a
network socket and binds to a UDP port, and then waits for traffic on
one or the other.

Under cygwin, it initially seemed to compile and run properly, and two
such applications would bounce messages between each other on the serial

After writing the client application and attempting to test the UDP
connectivity, the server never receives UDP packets under cygwin.  

If I rerun "./configure" and re-make under Solaris, the server will
receive UDP packets and respond as expected.  It works both when the
client uses from the same machine, or for a client on another
machine using the IP of the Sun.

Since the calls to socket, bind, and select all seem to succeed, and the
code runs under Solaris, I'm not quite sure how to proceed with
debugging this problem.  Any suggestions?  Relevent code snippets are


Eric Monsler

/* This code opens the socket and binds it to a UDP port */
int init_udp_if(void)
  int   sockfd;
  int   bind_ret;

  int len;
  struct sockaddr_in boundaddr;

  /* Create the Socket */
  sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
  printf("Opening socket returned: %d\n", sockfd);
  if(sockfd < 0)
      /* Error, return fail */
      return sockfd;

  /* Clear and initialize server address structure */
  memset(&servaddr, 0x0, sizeof(servaddr));

  servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  servaddr.sin_port = (AV_DEFAULT_UDP_PORT);

  /* Bind our socket to the desired port
        "Bind" wraps "bind" and checks return value. */
  Bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
  len = sizeof(boundaddr);
  getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&boundaddr, &len);
  printf("Socket bound to IP 0x%08x port %d\n", 

  return sockfd;

        This is the pending for message portion of the server code

      /* Clear and set up file descriptor array, descriptors read for
     reading, for 'select' */

      //      printf("About to FD_ZERO\n");


      /* Set up fd_set and call select. */
      maxfdp = MAX(udp_socket_fd,serial_fd) +1;
      /* Now pend on our input file descriptors, until data is
         available or unti we timeout. */
      sel_ret = select(maxfdp, &rset, NULL, NULL, &sel_timeout);

      /* Check if we timed out.  If so, increment a counter; if not,
         try to read data */
      if(sel_ret == 0)
          /* We timed out! */
          /* Do some metrics, or something */

          printf("Timed out waiting for messages\n");
          /* Check if we have UDP data to get */
          if( FD_ISSET(udp_socket_fd,&rset) )
              unsigned long     ip_msg_sender;
              unsigned short    port_msg_sender;
              unsigned long     msg_length;
              /* Try to receive a message!
                 If data is available, it should be a whole packet */

              printf("Reading UDP datagram\n");
              /* Code deleted */
          /* Check if we have Serial data to get */
          if( FD_ISSET(serial_fd,&rset) )
              /* Try to receive a message!
                 Note that 'data' available in the serial interface
                 does not mean that the whoe message is available! */
              unsigned long     msg_length;

              printf("Reading Serial data\n");

              /* Code Deleted */              

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