> Christoph> Don't know if this is relevant but it is possible to compile
> Christoph> sfio-2000 under cygwin (not the threaded version of course)
> Christoph> and almost all of the sfio tests actually succeeded (a couple
> Christoph> of month ago). The license is BSD style if I remember correctly.
> Christoph> The url is www.research.att.com/sw/tools/sfio .
> Only one test failed:
on my machine
> treserve.c:
> Failed
> Christoph> Christoph
> Ciao
> Volker
- guess I have a breakin;-)
FWIW here are some benchmarks results (a PII-laptop) of the
stdio benchmark suite that come with sfio-2000 (I had to
disable 2 seek tests because they crashed the sfio version).
func real user sys u+s size Kbytes Kbytes/s
wrlarge 96.63 0.33 8.50 8.83 20000K 20000 2264
rdlarge 5.85 4.00 1.67 5.67 20000K 20000 3529
wrsmall 133.68 4.00 11.52 15.52 20000K 20000 1288
rdsmall 74.60 7.02 1.35 8.37 20000K 20000 2390
copy 269.23 4.00 14.52 18.52 40000K 40000 2160
sfmove 276.73 0.33 6.33 6.67 40000K 40000 6000
putc 60.75 5.52 4.52 10.03 10000K 10000 996
getc 5.33 3.67 0.17 3.83 10000K 10000 2608
puts 79.28 5.67 7.50 13.17 100000L 9765 741
gets 123.02 4.18 0.67 4.85 100000L 9765 2013
sfgetr 4.67 3.83 0.85 4.68 100000L 9765 2085
revgets 7.18 3.85 3.17 7.02 100000L 9765 1391
printf 11.18 5.33 0.67 6.00 25000L 1752 292
scanf 6.83 5.83 0.00 5.83 25000L 1752 300
elapse 1155.48 57.57 61.75 119.32 0E 0 0
time.stdio (normal stdio i.e libcygin.a version 1.1.8 )
func real user sys u+s size Kbytes Kbytes/s
wrlarge 111.32 2.33 18.52 20.85 20000K 20000 959
rdlarge 7.18 3.17 3.83 7.00 20000K 20000 2857
wrsmall 108.32 8.52 21.53 30.05 20000K 20000 665
rdsmall 34.38 4.33 4.35 8.68 20000K 20000 2303
copy 241.68 6.02 28.70 34.72 40000K 40000 1152
sfmove 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.17 0K 0 0
putc 75.78 23.70 10.68 34.38 10000K 10000 290
getc 27.87 18.52 3.00 21.52 10000K 10000 464
puts 58.25 6.85 10.68 17.53 100000L 9765 556
gets 8.35 4.67 2.52 7.18 100000L 9765 1359
sfgetr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0L 0 -1
revgets 15.85 7.18 6.17 13.35 100000L 9765 731
printf 17.70 14.35 2.17 16.52 25000L 1752 106
scanf 6.50 6.18 0.17 6.35 25000L 1752 276
elapse 713.35 105.82 112.48 218.30 0E 0 0
It is possible to compile many (well I tried only a few of
course) programs with a small amount of work with the sfio
version of stdio instead of the regular stdio in libcygwin.
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