> I have found the utilities extremely useful, in order to emulate
> that we run in a Unix environment, under Windows NT. I am running them in
> win98 environment and then, when the process is working, transferring them
> to NT. I cannot see why there would be any problems. However, I am having
> problem with "wc" recognising that certain directories/files exist when
> using wildcards for non 8.3 form file names..
> For example:
> wc -l \postbox\ctm\ctm*.* fails (with a ENOENT error msg)
> wc -l \postbox\ctm\ctm040701 works fine however
Output of cygcheck -srv would be appreciated. Also, you neglect to say what
environment this is failing under. Are you trying this command from bash?
cmd.exe? You need to give us more info.
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