In the /usr/doc/Cygwin/inetutils-1.3.2.README file the following
instructions are
given in relation to configuration of inetd as an NT/W2K service:

   The environment variable CYGWIN must be either set in the system
   environment to be active from start on or you can set CYGWIN thru
   the registry:
   Under the key HKLM\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
   create a key of type REG_SZ (String) named like the full DOS path
   to the application, eg. "C:\usr\bin\inetd.exe" and with the value
   equal to the preferred CYGWIN settings, eg "binmode tty ntsec".

This is obviously not a valid instruction, as the name of a key in the NT
registry can
not contain a "\".

Can someone please provide a valid set of instructions that have actually
been tested with a real NT system?

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