Hi Cygwin users,

I am using SSH & Expect from Cygwin. 
I am trying to connect to a remote host through SSH, & on the command
line, it works just perfect. But when I write an "Expect" script for
the same, it does not do anything.

Here is the comand I use:
   /bin/ssh -l myusername -p myport myhostname.abc.com "ls -l"
It neatly lists the contents of my home dir of myusername.
The Expect code fragment is below:

spawn /bin/ssh -l myusername -p myport myhostname.abc.com "ls -l"
expect -re "Enter passphrase for RSA key '.*': "
send "mypassphrase\r"
expect eof

This however does not list anything, though it takes the passphrase...
(It echoes the passphrase)

Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this?

However, I was suggested to try with an EMPTY PASSPHRASE, & that works
fine from the command line as well as from the Expect script! the
script is as below:

spawn /bin/ssh -l myusername -p myport myhostname.abc.com "ls -l"
expect eof

But I dont want to do that because the whole idea od using SSH is lost
if I am using an empty passphrase.

Please advise...

Thanks in advance..

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