Ross Smith wrote:
> > From: Matthew O. Persico
> >
> > Powertoys puts a Dos Prompt Here option on rightclick popup menus. I've
> > searched the archives, but I cannot find how it was done for Cygwin.
> > Does anyone know?
> This works for me.  You may need to change the c:\cygwin if you've installed
> cygwin somewhere else.

Yes, D:\opt\cygwin to be exact.

> I've also attached it.
> Lemme know if it works for you too.

Works like a charm.

> If it's generally applicable, maybe cygwin will include it in the standard
> distro.
> -Ross
> ;
> ; "Bash Prompt Here"
> ;
> ; Copyright 2001 Ross Smith
> ; Licensed under the LGPL (
> [version]
> signature="$CHICAGO$"
> [BashHereInstall]
> CopyFiles = BashHere.Files.Inf
> AddReg    = BashHere.Reg
> [DefaultInstall]
> CopyFiles = BashHere.Files.Inf
> AddReg    = BashHere.Reg
> [DefaultUnInstall]
> DelFiles  = BashHere.Files.Inf
> DelReg    = BashHere.Reg
> [SourceDisksNames]
> 55="Bash Prompt Here","",1
> [SourceDisksFiles]
> BashHere.INF=55
> [DestinationDirs]
> BashHere.Files.Inf = 17
> [BashHere.Files.Inf]
> BashHere.INF
> [BashHere.Reg]
> HKLM,%UDHERE%,DisplayName,,"%BashHereName%"
> HKLM,%UDHERE%,UninstallString,,"rundll32.exe
> syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 132
> %17%\BashHere.inf"
> HKCR,Directory\Shell\BashHere,,,"%BashHereAccel%"
> HKCR,Directory\Shell\BashHere\command,,,"c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i -c
> 'cd `cygpath -u ""%1""`; bash -i'"
> HKCR,Drive\Shell\BashHere,,,"%BashHereAccel%"
> HKCR,Drive\Shell\BashHere\command,,,"c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i -c 'cd
> `cygpath -u ""%1""`; bash -i'"
> [Strings]
> BashHereName="Bash Prompt Here"
> BashHereAccel="&Bash Prompt Here"
> UDHERE="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\BashHere"

Matthew O. Persico
AceDSL:The best ADSL in Verizon area

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