Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 08:06:29AM -0400, Earnie Boyd wrote:
> >For those of you having trouble with the search engine at the archives
> >site I suggest you Googlize your search.  Visit
> >and enter into the search criteria `cygwin +'what my problem is''.
> >E.G.: cygwin +Perl TK returns pages and pages of information.  Since
> >Cygwin is a widely accepted tool and is used in a  wide variety of
> >packages then it is often discussed on other lists as well.  Therefore,
> >using to do your searches will broaden the field of knowledge
> >available.
> I know that there were problems with searching last week but I was under
> the impression that everything was ok now.
> Searching for small words like "tk" doesn't work too well, and probably
> won't until we get more disk space on the system but I am able to do
> searches and find things on

I should have reread my post before sending.  I didn't mean to say that
the archive search was broken.  I was simply giving another option to
searching the archives.  Since Google spiders many mail lists and web
documents then searching with Google will bring a wider base of
knowledge including the Cygwin FAQ and documentation pages.  I simply
use Google for most all of my web searches because I can easily find
what I need with it.


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