I'm trying to adapt a dependency builder that was using half gcc, half homegrown tools to instead use straight "gcc". I noticed that when I use "gcc -MM" (with appropriate "-D" and "-I" options), it emits the dependencies on stdout (as I expect). When I use "gcc -MMD" instead, it correctly creates the "<sourcefile>.d" file, but it also emits a compile error about an "implicit function declaration" (a reference to "fileno"). When I use this in "make", it of course aborts the build, even though it did everything correctly. I could just use "-MM" and just pipe the output to "<sourcefile>.d" (or set the "ignore" flag on the rule), but it would have been nice to just use "-MMD" by itself. -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple