Hi all! Last 2 nights I went through a nightmare of object file formats, symbol mangling conventions, etc. when trying to build some python modules with cygwin. Tonight I ended up building them with borland tools converting the coff .lib to omf with coff2omf.exe. Then this morning I started to understand a little more about the big picture, learn a lot about dlltool (by the way, doc in the binutils manual is very good and they give an example of building a dll that is three times less convolved than the one given in cygwin manual -is there any particular reason? both of the methods work, but the one I understand is the simple one, the other being perhaps redundant), about .def files (MSDN docs), about __declspec(dllexport) and _declspec(dllimport) directives (MSDN docs)... a lot of that _imp_* unresolved references makes sense to me now. But I still have a lot of questions about the subject so I decided to ask them here: 1) What is contained in .lib import files (both coff and omf)? I'm not asking about coff and omf formats at all; I only want to know about specific sections used and the way they are used in the context of dynamic linking/loading. 2) Can gnu tools cope with these formats? (I read about binutils and BFS and I know they can, but perhaps gcc can't -although probably it shouldn't as it's a frontend to the other utilities-. Or perhaps there are conventions not defined by the formats but historically strongly related with a particular format). 3) Depending on the response to the previous question: why are we building those .a (or .dll.a) "stubs"? What is the real reason for not using .lib? What do they contain? 4) Is there a way to append a '_imp_' prefix to symbols imported by a module without declaring each one as __declspec(dllimport) in the sources? (Or perhaps some filter utility which takes a .h and insert this directive symbols before symbols...?). I was looking for info on these points before asking here but although I finded a lot on object file formats or about using specific tools I couldn't find any really valuable as an answer to 1), 2) or 3). I don't expect detailed asnwers here but I would be very glad if you can point me to some (hypotetically) existent resource. Thanks in advance, Carlos -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple