On 30 Apr 2001, Harry Putnam wrote:
>Its been a while since I checked on the availability of packages that
>installs sshd on a win2k.
>Is it still amatter of tinkering or is there a package out that just
>installs it, and allows win2k to run a sshd daemon?
it is still quite far from automatic.
As you know, there are two separate problems there:
1) giving  the right permissions to the users;
2) installing sshd as a service.

Regarding 2), I saw at least one GPL-ed program that happily
installs and manages itself as a service, etc, namely WinVNC
(see http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/)
It most probably could be used as a code sample to build
such a thing for sshd.
Could be a nice project for a student, or for someone with a knowledge of
Win32 registry programming...

Dmitrii Pasechnik

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