Earnie Boyd wrote:
> "Karr, David" wrote:
> >
> > I haven't reexamined this issue in several days.  I have "wrapper" scripts
> > with the same name as exes later in the path.  This worked fine in 1.1.8,
> > but now that I'm trying to use 1.3.1, it doesn't work anymore.  When the
> > shell does a PATH search, it ignores the script and just uses the exe.  I'm
> > just looking for some information on this.  I can downgrade my cygwin1.dll
> > to 1.1.8 for now.
> >
> Why would anyone depend on this working?  It is simply an implementation
> specific issue.  I suggest instead of downgrading that you rename your
> scripts.  The simple reason is that Cygwin stat's foo for foo.exe and if
> foo.exe is what is being executed by the shell then IMNSHO it's correct
> the way it is now and broken before.

Oh, if you end the name with a period then it executes the script
instead of the exe.  E.G.:  I have a program foo.exe that output bar.  I
have a script foo that echoes foo.  If I execute `foo' I get bar but if
I execute `foo.' I get foo.


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