
Here's a snippet from the Linux section 2 manual page:

int  select(int  n,  fd_set  *readfds,  fd_set  *writefds, fd_set 
*exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout));
timeout  is  an  upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before select 
returns. It may be zero, causing  select  to return  immediately. 
If  timeout  is  NULL  (no timeout), select can block indefinitely.

Does the indefinite-timeout variant of select exist and work under Cygwin 
(or Windows, as the case may be) compatibly with the Linux API spec?

If so, why not use this variant of select? I agree with you, Chris, that 
polling is very much to be avoided, but as work-arounds go, this approach 
might be acceptable to me.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 20:14 2001-05-13, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >How about inserting a select() call before the recv() ?  Cygwin's
> >select() is interruptible AFAIK.
>That would be the "workaround" that I kept mentioning previously.  It
>relies on polling and that is a something I'd rather avoid, if possible.

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