On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 08:50:41AM +0200, Christof Lauber wrote:
>We decided to use linux as os for our embedded device. This device
>runs a microcontroller with R4000 mips core. Until now we developped
>under Windows NT. So we have a lot of tools we could't use if we had
>to switch to linux and we have other products running pSOS or vxworks
>which we develop under Winnt. So we wish to run the toolchain for the
>mipsel-linux (binutils, gcc, gdb) under Winnt. GDB ans Binutils seems
>to run already under cygwin. But I have some serious problembs
>compiling a xgcc cygwin->mipsel on my cygwin environment. I used the
>egcs1.03a (with mips patch) source from oss.sgi.com.
>First the cygwin assembler (as) had problems with the -O2 -g flags. So
>I overwrote these in the config/mh-cygwin file. Now the make process
>stops with the following error messages:
>/tmp/cc000518.s: Assembler messages:
>/tmp/cc000518.s:15: Error: Unknown pseudo-op: `.ent'
>/tmp/cc000518.s:17: Error: Unknown pseudo-op: `.frame'
>/tmp/cc000518.s:18: Error: Unknown pseudo-op: `.mask'
>/tmp/cc000518.s:19: Error: Unknown pseudo-op: `.fmask'
This doesn't look like a cygwin issue. You seem to be using the wrong
assembler. This is most likely a configuration issue.
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