On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 11:23:00PM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen schrieb am 2001-05-22, 10:47:
> > I've updated the version of inetutils in cygwin/latest to 1.3.2-13.
> I will never understand all this...
I think, I do. It's probably my fault.
> And why am I SYSTEM now?
Are you using ntsec? If not, could you set CYGWIN to contain ntsec
for inetd and look if that changes things for you?
Sigh, I fear I have to change this and that in the authentication
code in Cygwin...
The problem is that I added code to Cygwin which I didn't want
to announce too early:
If you're running under SYSTEM account (like inetd) the new seteuid
code tries to change the user context without a password by creating
a user token directly (actually that isn't restricted to SYSTEM but to
any account which has a specific user privilege).
Unfortunately, this code is executed even if ntsec is off while another
piece of code which tries to evaluate the current user is partly not
executed when ntsec is off. AFAICS, this results in a misinterpretation
of the user information.
Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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