        I've been converting some tests scripts I have from a Solaris OS to
a Win32 environment using Cygwin. I've managed to work out problems such as
making Cygwin detect the script files I have, and some other problems as
well. Within these scripts they use a program called "bc" which is part of
the Solaris installation. It's meant to be some sort of implementation of an
"arbitrary precision calculator" which takes input from a file and processes
a "language that resembles C" upon the script. I'm not totally sure what bc
does, really but the script files I'm converting use it a lot. 
        Unfortunately I've not been able to find out the Cygwin equivalent
of "bc", or if it even exists at all. Could anyone help me with this? Has
such a program been created for Cygwin or is there no implementation of this
sort of program at all? Thanks for your help.


Ammar H.M.J. Hassan 
Product Test Engineer 
MERANT The Lawn, 22-30 Old Bath Road, Newbury, England RG14 1QN
+44 (0) 1635 565 780

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