Is WS007594 a Win/cygwin box, or a straight linux box??
I can not get the expect script to work under cygwin, but it
does run under debian/linux.  That is why I suspect that either 
the cygwin version of ssh isn't playing nice, or the cygwin version
of expect isn't attaching to the ssh stdin correctly.  I don't know
if I will have more time to debug, but I might look into it later.

On Thu, 31 May 2001 11:37:04 -0400, Simha, Shuba wrote:

>The very same does not work for me !!! Here's the output from my session..
>admin@WS007594 ~/scripts
>$ cat connect_ws
>#!/usr/bin/expect -f
>spawn /bin/ssh -l username -p 1010 hostname "ls -l"
>expect -re "Enter passphrase for RSA key '.*': "
>send "shuba\r"
>expect eof
>admin@WS007594 ~/scripts
>$ ./connect_ws
>spawn /bin/ssh -l username -p 1010 hostname ls -l
>Enter passphrase for RSA key 'admin@WS007594': shuba
><Comments> No output !!
>admin@WS007594 ~/scripts
>$  connect_ws   ftp-rfc      shellscript   try
>cfile.c      connect_ws~  shellscript1
><Comments> I typed ls - not echoed
>admin@WS007594 ~/scripts
>$ This is not seen
><Comments> I typed echo This is not seen - The command is invisible !!
>admin@WS007594 ~/scripts
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Paulus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:36 AM
>Subject: Re: Calling SSH from Expect - URGENT
>I believe this is a problem with the way tty's are handled under cygwin.  
>I tried this script on a friend's debian box, and it also works as expected.
>I think what's going on here is that somehow the ssh's stdin is getting 
>"disconnected" from the expect terminal (I don't know whether the 
>problem is expect's or ssh's though).  This is evidenced by the fact that
>you are seeing the password that expect is typing.  Expect is typing 
>the password into a standard stream, no a password enabled, character
>hiding stream such as ssh would be using.   I have enclosed the output 
>from my test session from debian, and you can see that there is no
>$ ./doit
>spawn /usr/bin/ssh -l mgpaulus ls -l
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
>total 1356
>drwxr-sr-x    2 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 Mar 12 23:35 News
>drwxr-sr-x    2 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 Mar  8 23:13 bin
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus     6366 May  1 08:18
>drwxr-sr-x    8 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 Mar 30 13:17 fetchmail-5.3.3
>-rwxr-xr-x    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus    23953 Mar 30 13:01
>-rwxr-xr-x    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus   755731 Mar 30 13:02
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus      352 May 22 14:56
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus       61 Mar  8 23:18 make.log
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus     2295 Mar  7 12:14 mpaulus.htm
>drwx--S---    2 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 Feb 15 07:46 nsmail
>drwxr-sr-x   16 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 May  9 15:28 ppp-2.4.1
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus   536746 May  9 15:27 ppp-2.4.1.tar.gz
>-rw-r--r--    1 mgpaulus mgpaulus     9550 Apr  1 23:04
>drwxr-sr-x    2 mgpaulus mgpaulus     4096 Mar 14 20:00 test
>$ cat doit
>#!/usr/bin/expect -f
>spawn /usr/bin/ssh -l userid host "ls -l"
>expect -re "word:"
>send "password\r"
>expect eof
>$On Wed, 30 May 2001 14:22:29 -0400, Simha, Shuba wrote:
>>Hi Cygwin users,
>>I am using Expect-5.26 from Cygwin-1.3.1
>>I am trying to connect to a remote host through SSH, & on the command line,
>>it works just perfect. But when I write an "Expect" script for the same, it
>>does not do anything.
>>Here is the comand I use:
>>      /bin/ssh -l username -p port "ls -l"
>>It prompts for the passphrase, & when I enter it, it neatly lists the
>>contents of my home dir. (username, port & actually have
>>real values)
>>The Expect code fragment is below:
>>spawn /bin/ssh -l username -p port "ls -l" 
>>expect -re "Enter passphrase for RSA key '.*': " 
>>send "passphrase\r" 
>>expect eof
>>This however does not list anything, though it takes the passphrase.. (I
>>see the passphrase being echoed on the screen)
>>More surprisingly, as soon as the script ends, the monitor will go out of
>>echo mode(I cannot see what I type!!)
>>The same happens when I try SCP as well.
>>Can anybody tell me whats wrong with what I am doing? 
>>Thanks a lot on advance..
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