Thanks for the answer. I've digged arround a little and there arose some
The modules do compile with apxs, under cygwin, but:

1. For all of them the linking command isn't apxs adapted, relies on
dllwrap, which doesn't pass appropriate options.

2. Using apxs by the hand, takes us to compiled dlls, and here we have
another but [from what I tested]:
   a. core modules, and also mod_ssl fail to load, with an error (approx.)
like "Win32 dlsym cannot find mod_<name> defined in mod_<name>.dll";
   b. (and here is an yumyumyum :) php4 does load, and it's working

Stipe has done a very good work. I would suggest to include in the patch for
apache 1.3.x tree, the addition of __CYGWIN__ to "#ifundef TPF" directive at
2287 line in http_protocol.c, as posted in a previous message; this solves
the w9x cgi execution, which, without it, ends the connection only after
server timeout. This modification could have some connotation only for NT/2k,
where the server works properly in either case.



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