> ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
> --with-pcre
>Then change line 439 in defines.h to define USE_PIPES. The next
>version of OpenSSH will do this by default for Cygwin.
Ok, I ran configure and then make, but sftp.exe still cries about not
finding '/usr/local/bin/ssh'. Is there a quick and dirty way to get
sftp.exe to look for ssh.exe in the current directory?
Sorry to bother you about this. I tried at all costs to get around having
to compile OpenSSH myself, and I'm definitely not familiar with the
Thanks again,
- Joe Testa
"Those who desire to give up Freedom
in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one."
-- Thomas Jefferson
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