Hi there.
        I have a program that is executed with a parameter which is the name
of a "service". The program then requests an input, which is essentially a
message that will be sent to the service you specified, and then return it.
For a simple example, I sent a test string "aBcDeFg" which is sent to a
"service" which converts capitals to lower case and vice versa, so the
message the user receives after running all this is "AbCdEfG". Now, I'm
using this process in a script. The problem then arises as to how to make
this all automated and not halt, waiting for a user to enter the message. 
        Basically the way I've tried to get it done is to execute the
program as a background process and then send to the process the input it
wants, as well as receiving the output at the end. Unfortunately I've been
having problems getting it to run in the background as it keeps coming back
to the foreground, waiting for the input. 
        I think the reason for this is that I was trying to run it under an
sh shell (I also tried bash). I've tried it under a ksh environment on a
unix machine and it works fine. From what I've seen in the archive mails
site, currently there is no conversion of ksh for Cygwin. Is that right? Any
ideas about what I could do? Thanks for the help. 


Ammar Hassan

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