I posted this problem once, but I have now reproduced it several times,
so I hope I can provide more helpful details.

One three occasions, after various operations involving SCSI tape
drives, particularly AIT2 drives, a situation was created where any
mount command, including "mount" by itself, caused the bash window to
close without warning.

In order to fix the problem, I tried:
    1)  Uninstalling all cygwin software.
    2)  Removing all Cygnus Solutions entries from the registry under
    3) Reinstalling cygwin.

This did not work.  I had to reinstall the operating system to get tape
functions back in cygwin.  I have created the problem once under Windows
NT 4 SP5 and twice under Win2k SP2.  In all three cases, Windows Backup
was still able to use the tape drives.

Details Case 1:

Windows NT 4 SP5, cygwin 1.3.2

For some time I had been using cygwin with an HP DDS-3 and an Exabyte
8mm.  Then I swapped out both tape drives, replacing them with a Sony
DDS-3 and a Sony AIT2.  I did not "umount" before I changed the SCSI
configuration.  Any tape operation after that caused cygwin to wink
out.  I did not get tape functions back in cygwin until I did a clean
install with Win2k (I moved to Win2k for other reasons).

Details Case 2:

Win2k SP2, cygwin 1.3.3

I did a clean install to Win2k, installing the Sony DDS-3 and going back
to the Exabyte 8mm (I had to give back the borrowed AIT2).  Everything
was fine again until I again swapped the 8mm for an AIT2 (I bought my
own drive).  This time I was careful to "umount" the drives before I
changed the configuration.  This did not help.  Once again tape
functions caused cygwin bash window to close without warning.  Again I
tried a clean install of cygwin (unintall, clean registry), but that did
not help.  I reinstalled Win2k, this time with the AIT2 drive installed
from the beginning.

Details Case 3:

Win2k SP2, cygwin 1.3.3

Now I have Win2k and the AIT2 tape drive installed when the operating
system is loaded.  This time I was trying various operations with my new
Sony AIT2 drive.  The AIT2 worked, except in tape to tape copying.  I
could do disk to tape reads and writes with dd and with programs I wrote
that use Win32 API.  But, copying DDS-3 tape to AIT2 tape caused the
AIT2 to hang, requiring power off/on to free.  I got help on this
problem from tech support at NovaSTOR (I could also hang the AIT2 with
their TapeCopy program).  They had me set "Sync Transfer Rate" and "Send
Start Command" (I think) at startup in the SCSI configuration to values
appropriate for each tape drive.  They also had me update my SCSI
drivers.  This fixed the tape hanging for NovaSTOR, my programs, and
"dd" in cygwin.  BUT, "mount" by itself again crashes the bash shell.
Yes, I still have tape function;  dd and mt work, but "mount" by itself
causes cygwin bash to wink out.

I am afraid to "umount" for fear I will be forced to do another Windows
install.  As I say, tapes are working, including AIT2, but if I need to
change or add a tape drive, I fear the worst.

(Also, I turn off Removable Storage Manager in Win2k so my Win32 API
functions will work.)

I will be grateful for any guidance.  I am not a developer, but I did
trying to find source code for dd and mount from the src/winsup web
site.  But that CVS stuff is way over my head.

Tim Scoggins
Applied Research Laboratories
The University of Texas at Austin
512 835 3596

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