On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 08:37:07AM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
>Let me butt in here....
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Christopher Faylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>So, for a package submission, please send the name of the package, the
>>rationale for including it, and a URL where we can retrieve the package
>>for inspection.
>>If you can't provide a URL then I guess you can send the package to me,
>>and I'll put it in a holding area on sources.redhat.com.  But, I'd
>>*really* prefer a URL.
>If you're really up for this - it's fine.  IMO though, there are plenty
>of free home page sites available.  No one should _ever_ be unable to
>provide us with a URL.

Ok, great! I was just trying not to put any barriers in the path but I'm
very happy to make it URL-only.  Consider the above text suitably

>>Oh, and please provide a setup.hint entry, too.  Ideally, the
>s/please/you must/

s/please/you absolutely must, without exception/


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