Hi, there! :)

I had a similiar problem the last weekend. It turned
that while I was selecting deselecting packages
in setup.exe I have deselected the bash package, so
bash wasn't installed at all. First check this, if this
is not the case start a command prompt go the the "bin"
subdirectory of the directory where you've installed cygwin
and type bash.exe --login -i. See what happens and report

Alternatively you can share the output of the cygcheck 
utility with us.

Bipin Charles wrote:
> Dear users,
> Hope this message not frustating one.
> I recently installed cygwin(win 2000 professional with ntfs) directly
> from Internet, I had very poor connections so I installed after running
> setup many times. Now the problem is when I click on shortcut created by
> cygwin setup program window popup and immediately terminate. Further, I
> have  just set environment variable using command set "CYGWIN=tty
> nottile glob and set MAKE_MODE=UNIX /CYGNUS$ export MAKE_MODE=UNIX" from
> DOS prompt>

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