I found this message in my search of the archives- I didn't see anything 
in the rm or cygwin changelog, but did Chris figure out a solution to 
this? I seem to be having the problem with cygwin/rm 1.3.2-1, 1.3.3-2, 
and 1.3.5-3. We are using Rational Clearcase MVFS, and "rm -rf" hangs 
for over 48 hours sometimes.

My WG is that it is somehow related to the original poster's problem 
with samba, since MVFS is not NTFS and doesn't handle the "windows NT 
DELETE_ON_CLOSE facility." I can't find the text "DELETE_ON_CLOSE" in 
any fileutils or cygwin source, only in cygwin objects.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? Or is there somewhere I should 
look to debug this further? Currently, it works from the command line, 
but hangs only when invoked from a makefile. The error I am getting 
when I change "rm -rf" to "rm -vir" is this-

../bin/rm.exe: remove directory `dir/foo' (might be nonempty)? y
removing the directory itself: 'dir/foo'
../bin/rm.exe: cannot remove directory `dir/foo': Directory not empty

Of course, the directory *is* empty, since rm just removed all the files 
and subdirectories apparently successfully.

As always, any pointers or MLA search terms are appreciated.


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