Hi All...

I'm running sshd from an non-SYSTEM account on a Win2k SP2 machine. I've 
done this in the past, but the (Cygwin) world has changed a bit since I last 
set it up.

The non-SYSTEM account in in the administrators group, and I have given it 
the following privs:
Act as part of the operating system
Increase quotas (Administrators group)
Log on as a service
Replace a process level token

One thing I found is that the log file in /var/log must be protected so the 
new account can write to it. This is an issue when I install the sshd in the 
default way and then later change the account. Without this, the service 
refuses to start with the 3534 message. This might be worth a note in the 
readme file.

The problem I have is that when I log in from a different account name, 
using public key authentication, it kicks me back out with the following 
local dialog:

$ ssh remote-machine
Enter passphrase for key '/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa':
Last login: Thu Nov 29 06:45:02 2001 from local-machine
Connection to remote-machine closed by remote host.
Connection to remote-machine closed.

the verbose log doesn't seem to provide much more information.

The log file in /var/log for the sshd service is empty.

In the system application log I see the following entries:

/usr/sbin/sshd : Win32 Process Id = 0x240 : Cygwin Process Id = 0x240 : 
Accepted publickey for user-name from port 1217 ssh2.

/usr/sbin/sshd : Win32 Process Id = 0x470 : Cygwin Process Id = 0x470 : 
fatal: setuid 1000: Not owner.

/usr/sbin/sshd : Win32 Process Id = 0x240 : Cygwin Process Id = 0x240 : 
fatal: Write failed: errno ESHUTDOWN triggered.

What am I missing here?



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