Sorry, we have a spoofer using a system in Canada who for some reason has
decided they want to 'teach me a lesson', coupled with the fact they
don't have much else to do (like a job)...of course they are too 
self-rightous to review their own actions and motives <shrug>, typical
CACL 'freedom for me, but not for thee'.

I've contacted the ISP ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and asked for for their help
in shutting this idiot down. If any of the rest of you feel board feel
free to bang on their help desk...I've included them as a recipient to
this email. I guess if I keep getting them I'll build myself a little
procmail script and start bouncing (with a suitable warning pre-pended so
there is no DoS or harrassment issue)...

If you compare the header for this email with one of the spoofs the diff
is obvious. If nothing else I have to thank them for finding a hole in the
security for majordomo since it looks at the To: field and doesn't verify
the original source of the email.


                 There is less in this than meets the eye.

                                     Tellulah Bankhead
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

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> _______________________________________________________________
>                  There is less in this than meets the eye.
>                           Tellulah Bankhead
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------

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