First: I recognize that this post may be a troll. The poster
is clued in enough to use cpunks_anon, but too clueless to
turn off HTML posting - an odd combination. Also the language
used (eg: "we must all cooperate unquestioningly") is a bit
over the top.

Second: Don't post in HTML. It makes you look like an

Third: The short answer is NO. You can block requests
to port 443, and maybe your firewall could try to recognize
SSL sessions on other ports and block them. But to get what
you are asking for the browser would also have to
be modified to work together with the firewall to leave https
requests clear until they got to the fw. I am not aware of any
product that does this (I am not too up on current

Fourth: It is necessary that you "cooperate unquestioningly"
with this list's agenda - not only should not be blocking
access, you should be teaching your 'charges' how to use
strong cryptography, remailers, and anonymizing proxies
for their self-defense against predators, and how
to protect their real identities online. That '19-yo college
student' can't do squat if he doesn't know that his or
her corrospondent is in the same town.

Don't shield your charges: Make them invulnerable in
their own right. That is true protection, and good 


> ----------
> From:         CDR Anonymizer[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Thursday, April 04, 2002 2:02 PM
> Subject:      Looking for an SSL blocking proxy
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> -----------Next_Part--87L6KN4EFH0J
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Does anyone know if there exists a tool to perform SSL at the 
> firewall level instead of at the browser so that I can watch my 
> charges' internet downloading? I don't want to spy on them I only 
> want to spy on those that do something they're not supposed to.
> As you well know, we can't have our most precious national resource, 
> our children, talking to strangers about their sex lives, real or
> imagined. 
> 'Cyber' is not funny, 'cyber' is not harmless. What they _think_ is 
> a 15yo high school student in Pasadena _could in fact_ be a 19yo 
> college student in *their* town.
> I won't abuse the system to get their hotmail passwords and read 
> their mail, because we've already blocked and made them 
> use mail and chat in which we can protect them from their baser urges. 
> But they keep getting out over https:// and now there's this new 
> Peek-at-booty that disguises itself as a credit card # upload.
> Although we have already dusted off our nuclear evacuation manuals 
> in order to teach our children what to do if the sky starts to fall, 
> 'duck and cover' will not cut it on the Internet. We must co-operate 
> unquestioningly if we are to protect our nation's future from child 
> sex predators and advocates of child sex predators.
> A child's life may be in your hands at this very instant.
> Think about it.
> A Responsible K-12 Sysadmin
> -----------Next_Part--87L6KN4EFH0J
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE>Looking for an SSL blocking proxy</TITLE>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
> <FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" SIZE="2" COLOR="#ff0000">
> Does anyone know if there exists a tool to perform SSL at the <BR>
> firewall level instead of at the browser so that I can watch my <BR>
> charges' internet downloading? I don't want to spy on them I only <BR>
> want to spy on those that do something they're not supposed to.<BR>
> <BR>
> As you well know, we can't have our most precious national resource, <BR>
> our children, talking to strangers about their sex lives, real or
> imagined. <BR>
> <BR>
> 'Cyber' is not funny, 'cyber' is not harmless. What they <I>think</I> is
> <BR>
> a 15yo high school student in Pasadena <I>could in fact</I> be a 19yo <BR>
> college student in <U>their</U> town.<BR>
> <BR>
> I won't abuse the system to get their hotmail passwords and read <BR>
> their mail, because we've already blocked and made them <BR>
> use mail and chat in which we can protect them from their baser urges.
> <BR>
> But they keep getting out over <FONT COLOR=#0000ff><U>https://</U>
> </FONT>and now there's this new <BR>Peek-at-booty that disguises itself as
> a credit card # upload.<BR>
> <BR>
> Although we have already dusted off our nuclear evacuation manuals <BR>
> in order to teach our children what to do if the sky starts to fall, <BR>
> 'duck and cover' will not cut it on the Internet. We must co-operate <BR>
> unquestioningly if we are to protect our nation's future from child <BR>
> sex predators and advocates of child sex predators.<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> A child's life may be in your hands at this very instant.<BR>
> Think about it.<BR>
> <BR>
> A Responsible K-12 Sysadmin<BR>
> </FONT>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> -----------Next_Part--87L6KN4EFH0J--

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