At 07:40 AM 4/6/02 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:

>You don't even need to open a book on pharmacology to realize why this
>a dumb idea. ... some people will get
>a lot more exposure than others due to statistical fluctuations...when
>you're approaching LD50 country, a mg/kg body weight dosage at which
>of people die) is narrow.
>Taken together, this means that you're walking a *very* narrow line
>between no effect at all, and a lot of dead bodies littering the
>landscape. Both are probably not what you wanted.


1. Yes it has been researched; .ZA did some documented work on
using psychotropics as riot-control agents.  See also BZ, an
atropine-like[1] deleriant
investigated by the US.

2. Some psychotropics have very wide ED:LD50 ratios (e.g., lsd), several
orders of magnitude
larger than even the safer drugs (which might have an ED:LD of 100; cf
Tylenol, a few
times the ED will toast your liver).  But they may not have the
immediacy of effect you desire.
The DMT-class drugs act faster, and ethyl- and longer substitutions last
longer, but pain and
vomiting drugs seem to be favored.  Hallucinogens might only encourage
the religious martyrs.

3. *Any* chemwar, e.g., CS and capsaicin, used by the US police on its
citizens, can kill,
e.g., the elderly, young, asthmatics, etc.  Any drug will kill some
fraction: vaccines kill
a few people a year, but save zillions.

[1] The British military, fighting the american revolutionary Jihad,
inadvertently consumed
a Datura species as they scrounged for food in the Virginia woods.
Datura sp. contain atropine.
They ended up "howling naked at the moon".  As they were near Jamestown,
the species became known as Jimsonweed.

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