At 09:22 PM 4/6/02 -0800, John Young wrote:
>Kahn's right, and admirably so, for once you get access
>to classified material you  are doomed to be distrusted
>outside the secret world.

Another reason: once you get a clearance, you can't speak
freely.  The latest _Tech Review_ interviews an MIT Prof Postol,
who has been pointing out the lies behind Raytheon's Patriot
missile and the anti-ballistic missile sham.  Reportedly,
some friendly DoD folks came to him and asked him to read
a classified report that would put some of his technical worries at
Postol refused, knowing that this is a scheme used to silence
folks --having been exposed to classified info, you have to
watch what you say.  If you figure it out from open data +
general science, you can speak your mind.

(BTW The basic deception is, if our gizmo can't discriminate this kind
of decoy, well, don't use that kind of decoy in the tests..)

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