
 Using Transition Mappings to De-Skew

Randomness Recommendations for Security

RFC 1750

An extract from it.....

   Another technique, originally due to von Neumann
[VON NEUMANN], is to
   examine a bit stream as a sequence of
non-overlapping pair
            | pair |            probability           
 |  00  | (0.5 - e)^2          =  0.25 - e + e^2  |
 |  01  | (0.5 - e)*(0.5 + e)  =  0.25     - e^2  |
 |  10  | (0.5 + e)*(0.5 - e)  =  0.25     - e^2  |
 |  11  | (0.5 + e)^2          =  0.25 + e + e^2  |
 This technique will completely eliminate any bias but
at the expense
   of taking an indeterminate number of input bits for
any particular
   desired number of output bits.  The probability of
any particular
   pair being discarded is 0.5 + 2e^2 so the expected
number of input
   bits to produce X output bits is X/(0.25 - e^2).

Eastlake, Crocker & Schiller                          
        [Page 12]
RFC 1750        Randomness Recommendations for
Security    December 1994

   This technique assumes that the bits are from a
stream where each bit
   has the same probability of being a 0 or 1 as any
other bit in the
   stream and that bits are not correlated, i.e., that
the bits are
   identical independent distributions.  If alternate
bits were from two
   correlated sources, for example, the above analysis
breaks down.

   The above technique also provides another
illustration of how a
   simple statistical analysis can mislead if one is
not always on the
   lookout for patterns that could be exploited by an
adversary.  If the
   algorithm were mis-read slightly so that
overlapping successive bits
   pairs were used instead of non-overlapping pairs,
the statistical
   analysis given is the same; however, instead of
provided an unbiased
   uncorrelated series of random 1's and 0's, it
instead produces a
   totally predictable sequence of exactly alternating
1's and 0's.

A few doubts regarding the above.

Another technique, originally due to von Neumann [VON
NEUMANN], is to
   examine a bit stream as a sequence of
non-overlapping pairs

What do they mean by bit stream as a sequence of 
non-over lapping pairs?

Also isn't idea-1 of my earlier post "Two idea's for 
random number generators" very similar  to this?

Wouldn't  the problem in idea 1 be solved if I choose
a bit stream as a sequence of  non-over lapping pairs?
If we choose bits  that are from a stream where each
bit has the same probability of being a 0 or 1 as any
other bit in the  stream and that bits are not
correlated, i.e., that the bits are   identical
independent distributions.
Would n't idea 1 work?

Regards Data.

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