Jim Choate wrote:
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Chaos.html

Er, yes, it is a great site. It even has a definition of mathematical

"A dynamical system is chaotic if it 
1. Has a dense collection of points with periodic orbits, 
2. Is sensitive to the initial condition of the system (so that
initially nearby points can evolve quickly into very            
different states), and
3. Is topologically transitive. 
Chaotic systems exhibit irregular, unpredictable behavior (the butterfly
effect). The boundary between linear and chaotic   behavior is often
characterized by period doubling, followed by quadrupling, etc.,
although other routes to chaos are also

And this implies that "chaotic" means the same as "stochastic"????

One of the reasons I don't like the word "chaotic" is that it misleads
people into thinking it is the same as random, or as stochastic.

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