The FBI currently has its shorts in a wad over the numerous Web sites
featuring the short but poignant last moments of Wall Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl.

Clearly, as our War on Terrorism(tm) progresses, it is not unlikely that
terrorists will kidnap and kill more Americans and email video clips of
their last twitches to the media, and it is not unlikely that various web
sites specializing in stomach-turning will place them online for public

Creation, sale, or possession of child porn is illegal.  Creation, sale,
or possession of depictions of animals being harmed in an illegal manner
is illegal as well.

It seems unlikely that creation, sale, or possession of depictions of
Americans being harmed in an illegal manner by political extremists will
remain legal for long.

When this happens, will this mean that the First Amendment is then
officially brain dead, and may be disconnected from life support, and
anything will be able to be banned, because "We're at War."

When the inevitable law is written, where will the ACLU and EFF stand?  
Are they willing to take the heat and be labeled as supporters of

I bet if you polled the Sheeple today, they would be more than happy to
give life in prison to anyone who looks at the Pearl video and snickers

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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