On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:58:16PM -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
> I find myself storing a pile of vaugely sensitive information on my 
> palm.  Where do I find the competent analysis of this?  Ideally, I'd
> like to be able to protect things that I move into a "sensitive" area
> (passwords), and maybe select items in other places that I want to
> encrypt.  I don't really want to have to enter a password each time I
> look at my schedule and todo lists.
> Someone suggested YAPS
> (http://www.palmblvd.com/software/pc/Yaps-2000-11-7-palm-pc.html) are
> there others I should look at?

I prefer the Keyring for PalmOS (http://gnukeyring.sourceforge.net).
Comes with source code, uses 3DES for encryption (the passphrase is
MD5 hashed as far as i remember). Have a look at it.


Ralf-P. Weinmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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