On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> This is the last mattd post I'll see for a while, I expect, since I've
> updated my kill.rc file. But the prospect of a cypherpunks subscriber
> threatening to send 2 MB attachments to the list is not a pleasant one.

Why? They make 80G drives now for very cheap. Got a little pipe, get a
bigger one. The only persons who should shudder at 2M attachments are the
node operators. They have to deal with n*2M of traffic as compared to your
measly 2M.

Quite your whinning.

> (I suspect that majordomo will refuse to send anything above its default
> setting, which I'm not going to name since it'll encourage the mattd troll
> to hit that size and nothing above. But Still.)

400000 bytes maximum. The current maximum that has been agreed too
informally (it's in the archives if you want to look) is 1M. SSZ is
currently set to bounce any emails over 1M (and it's detailed on the


              When I die, I would like to be born again as me.

                                            Hugh Hefner
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         www.ssz.com
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          www.open-forge.org


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