John Young wrote:
> I appreciate what an honorable ISP admin will do to abide 
> customer rights over intrusive snoopers and perhaps 
> cooperative administrators above the pay grade of a sysadmin. 
> Know that a decent sysadmin is on 
> for about 1/3 of a weekday for 24x7 systems is a small 
> comfort but leaves unanswered what can happen:
> 1. During that time when a hero is elsewhere.
> 2. Upstream of the ISP, the router of the ISP and the nodes 
> serving routers, as well as at a variety of cache systems 
> serving there various levels.

To expand on John Young's inquiry, I believe it would help elevate the
level of the public discourse regarding potential future US data
retention and interception laws if those inclined to comment on this
issue were to take the time to research similar laws already passed in
other countries in the course of the customary policy laundry process.
Even a brief such investigation would teach the aspiring commentator
that those responsible for the installation and maintenance of
governmentally mandated snooping infrastructure at the ISP are largely
required to hold active security clearances.

To rephrase John's very valid question in a slightly more targeted
fashion: how likely is it that cleared personnel working at the ISP will
refuse an official request for law enforcement assistance?

--Lucky Green

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