Lucky Green writes:
> I however encourage readers familiar with the state of the art in PC
> platform security to read the TCPA specifications, read the TCPA's
> membership list, read the Hollings bill, and then ask themselves if they
> are aware of, or can locate somebody who is aware of, any other
> technical solution that enjoys a similar level of PC platform industry
> support, is anywhere as near to wide-spread production as TPM's, and is
> of sufficient integration into the platform to be able to form the
> platform basis for meeting the requirements of the Hollings bill.
> Would Anonymous perhaps like to take this question?

Gladly.  One need only look at a recent cause celebre in the cypherpunk
community to see what the Hollings bill intends to mandate.  We were
assured by the professional paranoids among the cypherpunks that there
was a serious measure being promoted by the content companies, a new
restriction which we were all going to have to deal with.

Remember?  They were going to limit all A/D converters.

That's right, thanks to the Hollings bill your rectal thermometer will
be upgraded so that you can't watch Snow White on it (not that it's
likely to be anything like snow white after you're finished with it).
Yes, Hollings is determined to plug your analog hole.

You heard it here first, folks.  And how can you doubt, when it comes
from a group with such a balanced and accurate view of the world, and
such a marvelous record for accurate predictions?  Every cypherpunk
knows that paranoid conspiracy theories are by far the most reliable
way to interpret events.

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