On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 09:10:25PM -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
> Below are two more additional TCPA plays that I am in a position to
> mention:
> 1) Permanently lock out competitors from your file formats.
> >From Steven Levy's article:
> "A more interesting possibility is that Palladium could help introduce
> DRM to business and just plain people. It's a funny thing," says Bill
> Gates. "We came at this thinking about music, but then we realized that
> e-mail and documents were far more interesting domains."
   Oh gawd -- we should all get on our knees daily and pray for this to come
about soonest. Especially for Outlook, just think how wonderful that would be,
people would send you mail and you'd say "sorry, I can't read that, try another
mail agent" -- better yet, since Outlook has the market share, all the spammers
would have to use it, and we'd need much simpler procmail recipes to filter it. 
   Aside from the anti-trust implications, it might alone bring about the end
for M$. 

Harmon Seaver   

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