At 09:43 PM 06/28/2002 +0200, Thomas Tydal wrote:
>Well, first I want to say that I don't like the way it is today.
>I want things to get better. I can't read e-books on my pocket computer,
>for example, which is sad since I actually would be able to enjoy e-books
>if I only could load them onto my small computer that follows my everywhere.

You may not be able to read an Adobe\(tm Brand E-Book\(tm,
but that just means you'll need to buy electronic books from
publishers that don't use that data format - whether it's
raw ascii text or Palm-formatted text or PalmOS DRMware that
you can also view on your PC using an emulator in glorious 160x160-pixel 
format :-)
Of course, if your PC's home country of Nauru has Software Police
implementing some local equivalent of the DMCA, that emulator
that you need for debugging may be illegal.

>How good is Winamp if it can't play any music recorded in 2004 or later?
>Given that Windows Media Player can play all your tunes and it takes a
>reboot to switch to Winamp, who wouldn't stick with WMP?

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