On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, AARG!Anonymous wrote:

< ... />

> Right, and you can boot untrusted OS's as well.  Recently there was
> discussion here of HP making a trusted form of Linux that would work with
> the TCPA hardware.  So you will have options in both the closed source and
> open source worlds to boot trusted OS's, or you can boot untrusted ones,
> like old versions of Windows.  The user will have more choice, not less.

< ... />

Nonsense.  Let us remember what Palladium is:

Palladium is a system designed to enable a few large corporations and
governments to run source secret, indeed, well-encrypted, code on home
user's machines in such a way that the home user cannot see, modify, or
control the running code.

The Orwellian, strictly Animal Farmish, claim runs: "Why it is all just
perfectly OK, because anyone can run source secret, well encrypted, code in
an uncontrolled manner on anyone's machine at will!  We are all equal, it
is just that some, that is, We the Englobulators, will in practice get to
run source secret, well-encrypted, code on hundreds of millions of users'
machines while you, you will never run such code on anybody else's machine
except at a hobbyists' fair, precisely to demonstrate we are all equal.".

There are other advantages to Palladium:

No free kernel will ever freely boot on a Palladium machine.

And there is more.   If Palladium is instituted:

Microsoft will support the most vicious interpretation of the DMCA and
press for passage of the SSSCA, in order that the first crack does not
prove to the world that Palladium cannot prevent all copyright
infringement.  Microsoft will be able to say "See, it is these
GNU/BSD/XFree/Sendmail/Apache/CLISP folk who are causing all this dreadful
copyright infringement.  Why owning a non-Palladium machine should be
declared, no, not illegal, we are not monsters after all, but probative
evidence that the owner is an infringer, and more, a general infringer and
a member of the Copyright Infringement Conspiracy.  Why some of them even
write such code as the well known, and in CIC circles, widely used, tool of
infringement called 'cp'.  Senator, I know you will be as shocked as I was
when I learned what 'cp' stands for.  It stands for 'copy'.  And I do not
mean safe Englobulator-Certified Fair Use Copying, such as is provided by
the Triple X Box, which, for a reasonable license fee, allows up to six
copy-protected copies to be made before settling of accounts and
re-certification of the Box over the net.  No, I mean, raw, completely
promiscuous copying of any file on the machine, as many times as the
infringer wishes.  Without record, without payment to the artist, without
restraint.  Senator, I prefer to call cp 'The Boston Strangler', because
that is exactly what it is.  And every single non-Palladium operating
system in the world comes with cp already loaded, loaded and running.".


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