On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 11:18:12AM -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
| > I'd rather not state the exact figures. A search of SEC filings may or
| > may not turn up further details.
| > 
| > > And who actually owns these numerous trusted roots? 
| > 
| > I am not sure I understand the question.
| > 
| > --Lucky
| > 
| I think I do. A 'second hand' root key seems to have some
| trust issues - the thing you are buying is the private half
| of a public key pair .... but that's just a piece of information.
| How can you be sure that, as purchaser, you are the *only*
| possessor of the key, and no one else has another copy (the
| seller, for example)?

Who cares?  If I can get a key thats in the main browsers for 90% off,
who cares if other people have it?

I understand that getting the public half of the 2 main browsers will
run you about $250k in fees, plus all the setup work.  If I can buy a
slightly used Ncipher box whose public key bits are in the browsers
for a 10th to a 5th of that, the extra copies of the bits aren't all
that worrisome to me.


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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