Bear in mind that the holders of US debts do not want the debts
paid, only the interest, and in fact want both to increase as they
have consistently since the US government went into hock.

A prime reason holders of US debt fear other countries defaulting
on their debt is that that might become a promising political campaign
in the US where debt of all kinds are glorified and where unpaid debts
are the greatest sins so long as the debts are owed by the USG and
credit card, family home and car, debtors.

Gigantic debts by well to do are signs of accomplishment and no
wealthy person wants to be large-debt-free. Instead what is wanted is
a top-notch credit rating, that is desirable to be an debtor who can
call for whatever is needed at the moment without expending the
small amount of cash on hand, which is called pocket change.

The biggest debtors are the super rich, and their combined debts
exceed that of the US Government. Such debts are customarily
called investments purchased with borrowed money or other
forms of investments. These superwealthy schemes based on
superimpositions are very large Ponzi schemes, nearly all of 
which rely up government underwriting either by permissable
law or by assurance of bail-out -- not surprisingly as a last
resort to claim national security is at stake, or even less
surprising, require war to thin the complainers of small
debts and to boost war industry replenishment of large
fortunes. Nothing peculiar about the US doing this, for it
is what governments were invented for: to assure continued
well-being for the favored while promising a chicken in every
for the starving and promising as well that the starving must
work for the chicken freely stolen by the wealthy.

Capitalism didn't begin this dreadful state of affairs, it merely
copied more brazen versions and cloaked its intentions with
simulated democracy, sometimes smirkingly called free market 
forces by its beneficiaries. 

Getting the small debtors to lust after Wall Street is  nothing 
compared to getting them drunk with patriotism so they'll send 
their idiot off-spring to kill those hungry like themselves while 
George slurps Hagen-Daas from Condi's navel.

The key to success is getting the really smart hungry people
to feed your mind and gut and wipe your ass while believing like 
national security teams they are really in charge. How do you
do that? The successful claim it was hard work and luck, and
anyone can do it. Haw. Haw. Haw.

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