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    Tech activists protest anti-copying
    By Declan McCullagh

    July 17, 2002, 5:55 PM PT
    WASHINGTON--Enthusiasts of free software disrupted a Commerce
    Department meeting Wednesday, insisting on their right to debate the
    entertainment industry over anti-copying technologies.

    About a dozen vocal tech activists in the audience challenged
    speakers, including Jack Valenti, head of the Motion Picture
    Association of America (MPAA), who equated piracy with theft and
    applauded digital rights management.

    "I'm going to accord you the utmost respect," Valenti said. "I'm going
    to listen to you, but let me finish...The first thing we ought to
    exhibit is good manners."

    The activists, mostly from New Yorkers for Fair Use, interrupted
    Valenti with hoots and jeers from the back of the room until the
    former presidential aide offered them the chance to reply.


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