How is this legal? 

How is it legal to outlaw reception of radio 
transmissions under the FCC act of 1934? 

I have never understood this. I keep expecting at
some point, someone will somehow come up with a 
good reason to take a monitoring claim to the
US supreme court and get all these laws tossed
aside. But I guess I am expecting too much.

For all of it's faults, the fcc act of '34 
established in law that the air waves are
public property, that broadcasters operate
under license and don't own jack shit, and
that broadcasters must act in "the public 
interest, convenience, and necessity."

Even during war time in the 40's it was
established that anyone could "monitor" 
as the air waves are public property. However,
it was further established that one could
not act upon reception of certain broadcasts
with malicious intent and blah blah blah.

How in the hell have all these anti-monitoring
laws gotten passed? Do any of our lawmakers 
have any clue how the law works at all? 

This is sickening. 

*WE THE PEOPLE* own the airwaves. PERIOD.

Sony doesn't own them, Verizon doesn't own
them, for heavens sake, CNN certainly doesn't
own them, and as far as sat tv goes, neither
does the Playboy channel. 

WE own them. 

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