Take a look at http://www.htthost.com

This allows you to tunnel through a proxy using HTTP and arrive at an 
external tunnel server. The tunnel link through the proxy can be encrypted 
using a static symmetric key (no SSL). The tunnel server can be running on 
a machine over which you have control on the outside of the proxy zone.

I'm assuming that you want to do what I am doing (that is to keep whatever 
I am doing from the proxy log files) so a symmetric key would do you and 
will save on the key set up.

The system is free, but is only suitable for Windows boxes.

Hope this helps.

At 08:01 23.07.2002 -0500, you wrote:
>This may have been discussed before, but a Google search has
>turned up lacking.
>Given internet access from a private intranet, through an HTTP
>proxy out of the user's control, is it possible to establish a secure
>tunnel to an outside server?  I'd expect that ordinary SSL
>connections will secure user <-> proxy and proxy <-> server
>separately, with the proxy able to observe cleartext.  Could an SSH
>connection be made under these conditions?
>Pointers appreciated, thanks.
>Roy M. Silvernail
>Proprietor, scytale.com

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