5 minutes of it on the breakfast-time Today show on BBC radio 4 a couple
of days ago. Positive almost to the point of ingenuousness - they
suggested that LSE was offering wireless as a "public good" which wasn't
quite how LSE described it at a ukerna seminar 6 months ago.

online version at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2144279.stm


Optimizzin Al-gorithym wrote:
> Well, its official.  Warchalking (802.11x domain marking) appeared on
> the US edition of the BBC News.  No hype re: anonymity & t*rr*r*sm &
> tigers
> & bears; a mention though of service-contract violations, and the gift
> community concept.
> Thank you Mr. Beeb.
> (And all your privacy-invading TV IF locating white vans)

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