The principal philosophical issue here is that the ownership of the "computer"

So far most people owned their computers in the sense that they could make
transistors inside do anything they liked, provided they had some
easily-obtainable knowledge. Content/software vendors had their stuff executed
on enemy's territory with all imaginable consequences.

TCPA-ed computer is actually a single-seat movie theatre teleported to your
house. It's operated and owned by one or more corporations - what you pay when
"buying" the computer are up-front installation costs of the franchise.
Remember that theatres are enclosed spaces with entertainment with doors that
you need a ticket to go through.

Sheeple will get more entertainment. The only problem seems to be that small
independent producers will not get their stuff played there. Tough shit. If
small producers want to fuck with all world's theatres, they need to get
better. Parasiting is over. There is no natural right to program other's
machines. When I go to the theatre I don't want unwashed activists flashing
their stuff on the screen. At least not dumb ones.

Ah, the computers. Well, those that want computers will have them. They may not
be as cheap as today and there will not be as many of them, but I think that
all people *I* deal with will have them, so I don't really care.

(of original message)

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