James Donald writes:

> James Donald writes:
> > > I can only see one application for voluntary TCPA, and that is 
> > > the application it was designed to perform:  Make it possible 
> > > run software or content which is encrypted so that it will  
> > > only run on one computer for one time period.
> On 3 Aug 2002 at 20:10, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> > For TCPA, you'd have to have the software as a blob which is  
> > encrypted to some key that is locked in the TPM.  But the  
> > problem is that the endorsement key is never leaked except to  
> > the Privacy CA ....
> (Lots of similarly untintellible stuff deleted)
> You have lost me, I have no idea why you think what you are  
> talking about might be relevant to my assertion.

I'm sorry, I'm just using the language and data structures from
TCPA to try to understand how your assertion could relate to it.
If you are making a claim about TCPA, perhaps you could express
it in terms of those specific features which are supported by

> The TPM has its own secret key, it makes the corresponding public 
> key widely available to everyone, and its own internal good known
> time.

No, the TPM public key is not widely available to everyone.  In fact,
believe it or not, it is a relatively closely held secret.  This is
because the public key is in effect a unique identifier like the Intel
processor ID number, and we all know what a firestorm that caused.
Intel is paranoid about being burned again, so they have created a very
elaborate system in which the TPM's public key is exposed only as narrowly
as possible.

The TPM public key is called the Endorsement key - this is the key which
is signed by the manufacturer and which proves that the TPM is a valid
implementation of TCPA.  Here is what section 9.2 of the TCPA spec says
about it:

: A TPM only has one asymmetric endorsement key pair. Due to the nature of
: this key pair, both the public and private parts of the key have privacy
: and security concerns.
: Exporting the PRIVEK from the TPM must not occur. This is for security
: reasons. The PRIVEK is a decryption key and never performs any signature
: operations.
: Exporting the public PUBEK from the TPM under controlled circumstances
: is allowable. Access to the PUBEK must be restricted to entities that
: have a "need to know." This is for privacy reasons.

The PUBEK is the public part of the TPM key and is not supposed to
be widely available.  It is only for those who have a "need to know",
which definitely does not include everyone who would like to send some
software to the system.  In fact, it is only sent to Privacy CAs, which
use it to encrypt a cert on a transient key that will be widely exposed.
But I'm sorry, I'm going unintelligible again, aren't I?

Also, nothing in the TCPA standard refers to securely knowing the time.
Section 10.7 says "There is no requirement for a clock function in the
TPM", so the date/time info comes from the normal, insecure hardware

> So  when your customer's payment goes through, you then
> send him a  copy of your stuff encrypted to his TPM, a copy which
> only his TPM  can make use of.  Your code, which the TPM decrypts
> and executes,  looks at the known good time, and if the user is
> out of time, refuses to play.

Well, without using any jargon, I will only say that TCPA doesn't work
like this, and if you don't believe me, you will have to read the spec
and verify it for yourself.

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