On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Russell Nelson wrote:

> AARG!Anonymous writes:
>  > So don't read too much into the fact that a bunch of anonymous postings
>  > have suddenly started appearing from one particular remailer.  For your
>  > information, I have sent over 400 anonymous messages in the past year
>  > to cypherpunks, coderpunks, sci.crypt and the cryptography list (35
>  > of them on TCPA related topics).
> We have, of course, no way to verify this fact, since your messages
> are not cryptographically signed.  For someone who claims to be
> knowledgable about cryptography, this seems like a suspicious omission.

Bullshit Russ, plausable deniability alone justifies such behaviour.

Who sent them is irrelevant except to cultists of personality (eg CACL

Base your analysis on facts and experiment.


                  Conform and be dull......J. Frank Dobie

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