> Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 16:42:52 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Calling Lucky a liar is no more illuminating than others calling you
> > an idiot.
> You're confusing a classification for an argument. The argument is over. 
> You can read it up in the archives. If you think there's still anything 
> left to discuss, I've got these plans of the Death Star I could sell 
> you...

I took a look at the archives as you suggested.  If it matters to you,
I wasn't referring to your classification of Anonymous as an idiot
(which I hadn't seen because it wasn't sent to the cryptography list),
but rather to an earlier comment ("Wow.  You must really be an
idiot.") from somebody else.  Looking back at that message, it appears
that it was sent to the cryptography list but not to cypherpunks.

Discussion about TCPA/Pd continues, and I hope that disagreements
needn't degenerate into name-calling.

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