On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Russell Nelson wrote:

> AARG!Anonymous writes:
>  > I'd like the Palladium/TCPA critics to offer an alternative proposal
>  > for achieving the following technical goal:
>  > 
>  >   Allow computers separated on the internet to cooperate and share data
>  >   and computations such that no one can get access to the data outside
>  >   the limitations and rules imposed by the applications.
> Can't be done.  I don't have time to go into ALL the reasons.
> Fortunately for me, any one reason is sufficient.  #1: it's all about
> the economics.

Complete noise. Not only can it be done, it is being done.

Plan 9 has a namespace that is -per processs-, each process is distributed
(via a bidding process), and the process owner can be anonymized (though
this takes some extension beyond the base OS).



                  Conform and be dull......J. Frank Dobie

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