"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
>    --
>On 13 Aug 2002 at 0:05, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
>> The point is that while this is a form of signed code, it's not 
>> something which gives the TPM control over what OS can boot. 
>> Instead, the VCs are used to report to third party challengers 
>> (on remote systems) what the system configuration of this system 
>> is "supposed" to be, along with what it actually is.
>It does however, enable the state to control what OS one can boot 
>if one wishes to access the internet.
>It does not seem to me that the TPM is likely to give hollywood 
>what it wants, unless it is backed by such state enforcement.
>Furthermore, since the TPM gets first whack at boot up, a simple
>code download to the TPM could change the meaning of the
>signature, so that the machine will not boot unless running a
>state authorized operating system.
>It could well happen that TPM machines become required to go on
>the internet, and then later only certain operating systems are
>permitted on the internet, and then later the required operating
>system upgrades the TPM software so that only authorized operating
>systems boot at all.
>    --digsig
>         James A. Donald
Golly gee, I wonder why there was a floater out there about the
administration wanting to update the protocols we all use?

If you can imagine a repressive technological approach to privacy and
communication then you can bet your ass that it has already been thought
of and is on someone's wishlist in DC.

It seems a moot point to even debate whether or not this is the ultimate
intent of the current crop of crap. Fucking duh!


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